Saturday, January 22, 2011

understanding the timelines

So I have decided that this year as I am reading my bible that I will take time to study things and make charts, timelines, etc. if it will help me (and hopefully you) understand how and when things happened the way they did.  My first task was to chart the lineage of Adam all the way to Abraham and write out each man that was born and how long he lived.  This was cool to see who lived during the same time as someone else.  i.e. Abraham was born and lived around the same time as Seth which means he was able to hear about the fall and the events of Cain and Abel directly from the source.  Tonight I thought I would make a time line of the major events of Abraham's life.  I was amazed at what God accomplished in 100 years of Abraham's life!!  Here is what I created.  Hope it helps you too!!

Birth of AbrahamSilence75 years old86 years old99 years old100 years old102 years old132 years old137 years old140 years old160 years old175 years old
Genesis 12   God's first promise to Abram to make him into a great nation.   Abram leaves Haran as God instructed and departs for the land of Canaan.      Genesis 16   Sarai gives Hagar to Abram as wife and she becomes pregnant with Ishmael. "I have now seen the one who sees me."Genesis 17  God's fifth promise:  reaffirms the covenant made with Abram.    Covenant of Circumsciion Birth of Isaac.Hagar and Ishmael are sent away. Genesis 22   Sacrifice of Isaac.       Seventh promise: God tell Abraham that his offspring will be as numerous as the stars of heaven and  the sand on the seashoreGenesis 23   Death of Sarah at the age of 127 years old. Genesis 24   Wife for Isaac (Rebekah)Birth of Jacob and EsauGenesis 25   Death of Abraham
God's second promise:  Once in Canaan God promises the land to Abram's descendents.Birth of Ishmael.Names are changed to Abraham and Sarah.      Genesis 18    Three visitorsremind Abram that Sarah will bear a son.  Promises that all nations will be blessed through them and Kings will be among their descendents.         
Famine causes Abram to move to Egypt where he lies about Sarai being his wife. Hagar is picked up as Sarai's maidservant.Genesis 19   Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed.
Genesis 13   Abram and Lot separate. Abram moves to Hebron. Lot moves to Sodom. God's third promise: Promises the land of Canaan to Abram's offspring.Genesis 20   Abraham moves to Gerar and lies again about Sarah being his wife to Abimelech. 
Genesis 14    Abram rescues Lot.Genesis 21   Sarah is pregnant with Isaac.
Offering to Melchizedek
Genesis 15   God's fourth promise:  God makes a covenant with Abram promising him a multitude of descendents as numerous as the stars. 15:2 "I am your shield, your very great reward."  Abram believes and God credits it to him as righteousness.   **They will dwell in the land of Canaan after being slaves for 400 yrs. In a foreign land (Egypt).

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